February 9, 2025

Skylab – Responsive Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme

Download Skylab - Responsive Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme by MegaTheme. This item is under the category: wordpress/creative/photography and had a total of 5371 sales.


The Skylab – Responsive Creative Photography WordPress Theme is a premium and feature-rich portfolio theme. It has a touch navigation and hardware accelerated slider that is perfect for mobile devices. It’s ideal for photographers, illustrators, graphic designers, and art directors, but can be used by anyone who wants to showcase their work and is also compatible with other websites. It has a powerful theme options panel that lets you customize the look and feel of your website without having to edit the code.

The responsive, retina-friendly design of Skylab makes browsing your site a breeze. The theme has an intuitive drag and drop page builder, as well as an optimized design for SEO. Google will love your site! The slider is the most innovative feature of this theme. The jQuery-powered Slider Revolution is one of the most advanced plugins for WordPress, and it allows you to display your content in a beautiful way. It offers a modern grid and classic stacked list of posts templates, so you can make the most of your gallery.

The Skylab – Responsive Creative Photoshop Theme is a powerful and versatile theme for creating and showcasing your portfolio. It includes a touch navigation bar and super smooth hardware accelerated slider. It’s designed specifically for photographers, illustrators, and graphic designers, and it’s also a great choice for luxury companies. Although it’s suited for photographers and other visual artists, it’s also equally adept at showcasing design projects. It supports multiple galleries, including a masonry gallery.

The premium Skylab – Responsive Creative Photography WordPress Theme is a highly responsive and mobile-friendly theme with great features and a great touch navigation. The super-smooth hardware-accelerated slider makes it an ideal choice for photographers, illustrators, and designers, and its page templates allow for unlimited images and galleries. The theme supports all major font platforms, including self-hosted fonts.

The free and premium Skylab v3.8 – Responsive Creative Portfolio WordPress theme is a great choice for photography and design professionals. It has a smooth hardware accelerated slider that is super smooth on mobile devices. The design is suited for photographers, illustrators, and graphic designers, but it’s equally suitable for designers and architects. Several different page templates are available for both free and paid versions.

The Skylab – Responsive Creative Photography WordPress Theme is a premium and fully-featured theme that supports touch navigation and a hardware-accelerated slider. It’s ideal for photographers, graphic designers, and illustrators. It’s also great for designers and architects. It’s equally adept at showcasing multiple galleries and allows you to use the same layout across all devices.
Skylab - Responsive Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme